Friday, 10 July 2015

how to make money online

Google Adsence

Now a days many people are earning from Google Adsence but they work very hard and the earnings are till very less.Today's i am going to discuss some important things by which you can earn more with the same hard work.I am giving some important tips you have to follow them.
The first step is the placement of you adds i.e. between posts or like banners footer and header etc.Choose a suitable and correct place for your Adds.The Adds should easily visible to the readers.You should find the suitable and correct way to work on.Darkest area shows the Placement of Adds With high CTR.Light and white area shows the remaining part without adds.

  • Type Of Adds:

Place the adds which are related to your blog niche or your post niche.The Adds should be attractive and good looking so That they will increase your clicks on adds and also effect your income.Quality adds is the main thing that increase your income.

Must Read !
Ways To Get Traffic To New Blog

  • Quality Content:

The main factor is the quality content which means you have to create good posts which are good written and also easily understand by users.The contents should make interest of user and visitors and which tends the user to visit you blog on daily basis.Your words limits also effect the time spend by visitor on your blog if you write long and descriptive posts the user will definitely read the whole post to understand what you want to tell her/him.

  • High paying Keywords:

The keywords are of two types
  • Long tail keywords
  • Short tail keywords
Long tail keywords are the keywords that contain many alphabets and characters etc. long sentence is the good example to understand long tail keyword concept but keep in mind you can also increase the traffic by using them but these are used in minority

Short tail keywords are keywords that are preferable in Google search engine.You can imagine that if we write in Google search bar very less that results in suggestions etc.It means google understand easily short tail keywords. If we use short keywords we can increase our traffic very easily.

The main things is to select the keywords that are high paying keywords means they are searched by many people or majority.Understood?

Closing Words:

You should keep in mind this post is not enough.Clever person is who that use their own mind. So you should consult Google Search how to increase Earning from Google Adsence and Books Related this Topic. If you follow the steps given Above then it will definitely increase you allowance and earning. Blogging is not an easy task but never lose you heart. Keep visiting for latest updates.Thanks